Fund Florida First - Let WMD Funds to Others Wait
sample email /or posting on internet sites:

Subject: Fund Florida First - Let WMD Funds to Others Wait
Note: Send to everyone on your list

From: (Your Name)
Email: (optional)

To: ___________________

Re: Fund Florida First - Not WMD for other countries

We can make a difference in this next election - before the election.

We suggest to all Americans: write, email and fax all of our congressmen and congresswomen and all of our senators as well as the President of the United States and ask them to immediately direct these funds to assist with the billions of dollars needed by Americans here in Florida for the restructure and rebuilding of our own land and assistance to our own people. Ask them to stop or at least postpone giving away or loaning away our resources to support WMD in middle east.

Please stop whatever you are doing right now, while there is still time during this focus on the actions of our politicians. Write, fax, email and call them on the phone. Explain the importance of proper use of American tax-payers money to help Americans. This has to be priority number one.

Then immediately set up petitions online and write to "bloggers" and post on the boards this important message:

Regardless of your position on the 5,000 warhead missles to Israel, this still has to be the first concern.

Our sites promote true teaching of Islam in plain and simple English. And they are free of any advertising or corruption from any groups.

Please consider promoting solid information on our beautiful way of Islam, instead of promoting the nonsense and foolishness of these time wasters, inshallah. We ask Allah to guide them and us and forgive us all, ameen.